Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sisters Saturday with Katie McGarry

Today on SISTERS SATURDAY, I have with me upcoming debut author, Katie McGarry. Her novel, Redefining Normal comes out in 2012 and it sounds amazing. Plus. She got to be a teenager in the grunge era. Oh how I loved grunge. I am still hoping for a comeback. Bring back the Doc Martens.  But let's talk to Katie about her sister!!

Katie was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. Her debut Young Adult novel, Redefining Normal, was sold by the wonderful Kevan Lyon of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency to Harlequin Teen. The novel is scheduled to be released in the spring of 2012. In Redefining Normal, two teens, brought together by their court ordered therapist, work together to learn the secrets of their case files, but neither foresaw the shattering consequences of the learning the truth regarding their families or of falling in love. Visit her website at

Hey Katie. Thanks for joining me. So how many sisters do you have?

Katie: I have one sister.

And where do you fit into the birth order in your family?

Katie: I'm one of two and the last of two, so that would make me the baby.
The baby. Aww. That's a good place to be. So what was your "role" in the family? Do you still have it?

Katie: I never liked uncomfortable situations, especially awkward silences, so whenever things got tense at home, I tried to smooth things over with a joke. This is a role I've continued to play in almost all of my relationships.

Joking is a great way to deflect discomfort that is for shizzle. So, what is the age difference between you and your sister?

Katie:  Four years

A pretty big number when you're a kid, right? So what is the best part about having your sister?

Katie:  Never feeling alone. No matter if I was being made fun of in middle school, getting dumped by a boy in high school, losing my best friend in college, or being rejected while trying to establish my writing career, I always felt better knowing that there was one person in the world who would stand by me regardless. My sister is always there and that gives me peace.

Yeah, I think that bond is so special. The one who will always be there, no matter what. The one girls without sisters kind of long for. You're lucky to have each other! But, on the other hand, what's the most challenging thing about being sisters?

Katie: We are exact opposites of each other and that was very challenging growing up.

Yes, especially with the age difference. But from my somewhat *cough* older perspective, the differences become almost more lovable as we get older. Trust. Do you write about sisters in your books?

Katie:  No. Not yet. My characters always have a someone they consider like a sister.

Interesting. Okay. Here's my fave question. Does your sister know secrets about you? Can you share one? How about one of her secrets?

Katie: She was one of the first to know that I was pursing publishing, but other than that no. Any secrets worth having or telling were when I was younger and the four year difference affected our relationship during that time.

Rats. Okay, next question, what is something you never tell your sister, but you should?

Katie: That I love her. Emotional conversations make me uncomfortable so I avoid them, especially with family members.

That is an excellent something.  Writing is a great way to get those uncomfortable emotions out, isn't it! I can relate to that. Lastly, how does your sister feel about having an “author sister?”

Katie: I know she's proud of me, but I think (like everyone else I know) she's scared I'm writing about her or our relationship. So when she reads my stories, she can sometimes read into characters and wonder if I'm writing about her, but I'm not. Most of my characters are some sort of a reflection of me.

Yeah. I think that our families do kind of worry we are going to divulge secrets, but the stories and characters while reflecting us, really are fictional. (for the most part ** wink wink)
Thanks so much for coming by.  2012 will be here fast than you know and I can't wait to read REDEFINING NORMAL!!


  1. Great interview! Congratulations on your forthcoming book, Katie. And oh yeah on the age difference disappearing as My sister and I are now practically twins, lol. I'm ten years older than her in real life, though.

  2. Thanks Deb. I find that the age difference does disappear as we get older.

  3. Sounds like a great premise for a book!

  4. Speaking from experience, I can say that a relationship with a sister is something I always wished I had. To me, there always seemed to be something different for my friends with sisters. Not that I'm complaining with my 3 brothers, but I had always wished I had a sister to confide in.

    Thank you for coming by, Katie! I'm looking forward to reading Redefining Normal.
