Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Mumblings

Yesterday I ate fudge for dinner. I realize this isn't very adult-like. Or healthy. But it was very delicious. And seriously. How often do we get to EAT FUDGE?? And how often do we eat it for dinner? Twelve year old me approves. 16 year old me does not, but she had lots of food issues, so ignore her.

The reason I ate fudge for dinner. Other than I'm an irresponsible adult. This is where I spent most of my day...

Banff.... And they have gift stores all along the main strip. And they sell fudge. And bearclaws.
And all sorts of other really unnecessary but FUN stuff! I spent hours walking in and out of stores.

First though I went to a YA workshop put on by Canadian author, Theresa Toten.  I did not know her, and admit I haven't read her work yet, but I really enjoyed her and the workshop was fascinating to me as a writer for many reason.

First of all, the room was full of young adults. They were creative writing students. They were AWESOME. Theresa did writing exercises and made the kids stand up and read from their exercises and I was BLOWN AWAY by the talent in this group. It was so cool to hear what they wrote. Funny, poignant. Talented kids! I loved it. And I was like a kid in high school again, hoping the teacher wouldn't call on me. I was intimidated and didn't want to share my work. Again. The part of me who is an insecure teen seems to live on.

I am weird.

Next week, I'm off to Surrey BC for the Surrey International Writer's Conference, where I'm presenting 2 workshops. One on YA Cliches and the other on Writing Captivating YA. And I have no trouble doing presentations, or reading from my books at them, so why won't I share my work with teens at a workshop? I guess because I am weird. And I eat fudge for dinner.

Check out the SIWC!


  1. I looked for an email address, but couldn't find one, so please feel free to delete this comment once you've read it :)

    Just wanted to say thank you for your excellent workshops at the SIWC, and the Blue Pencil session on Saturday. You have no idea how much it meant that you laughed in all the right places :)

    I look forward to reading your newest book.
