On Flynn’s BAD
One of the interesting (sometimes scary) things about being an author is
seeing how people react so differently to the same book -the same work. So full disclosure, yes, I do see
reviews. The bad and the good. Sometimes with the bad my feelings are hurt.
Sometimes I want to explain myself. Sometimes a bad review hits hard because
there’s grains of truth in it. And sometimes I have to shrug and know that
people come to stories with their own likes, dislikes prejudices etc. and
there’s nothing wrong with their personal reaction to something I’ve written.
When I do classroom presentations to students I show them
different reactions to the same book. For example, these are all pulled quotes
“This book
is wonderful and is guaranteed to make you smile at least 10 times and probably make you cry at least twice. Highly
recommended.” (Hurray!
I’m not a hack. I make readers smile!)
I'll be burning this one from my memory pretty quickly.” (Damn I suck. I knew I should have
stuck to sales)
gripping and well written. Loved the characters.” (Wow! I can write after all!)
“Pretty much
everything was lacking in this book: the storyline was cliché and the writing
was weak”
(Man. I wonder if Starbucks is hiring)
“What could
be a trite tale, in Gurtler's capable hands becomes a wholly believable,
sensitive story sure to please fans of contemporary YA.”
I’ll stop at a good review, because EGO but trust, there’s always going
to be another indifferent or bad one after a review that makes my heart sing!
Anyhow, it’s interesting to watch the reaction of the kids when I share
a bad and a good review back to back like this. The kids usually get really
defensive about the bad reviews and try to stick up for me. Mainly I think it’s
because I’m right there. I’m talking to them (hopefully) we’re connecting on
some level so I’m a real person and they want to defend my feelings. But I tell them my point is not to make them
feel sorry for me (but of course I appreciate their support and concern) but to
show them that story effects people in different ways and that’s okay. When you
put yourself out there, you have to take the good with the bad.
And sometimes as an author you make decisions that you kind of suspect
are going to be unpopular, but it’s the right choice for that character or that
storyline. I’m sure Veronica Roth and
Stephanie Myers could attest to this much better than I can for some of the unpopular
reactions to their final books in their series.
But this is about Flynn. And a little bit of explaining myself.
And this post is for people who have already read THE TRUTH ABOUT
US. If you haven’t read it yet, you
might want to wait before you read the following. I’ve tried to be
non-spoilery…but just in case, you have been warned!
I want to explain that I understand why people are upset. Without
spoilers, Flynn does something in this
book that makes some readers unhappy. I didn’t like what he did either but
here’s my take on it. Flynn is not a
perfect guy. I hope I kind of allude to that throughout the story. I love
Flynn. I see his good and his potential much like Tess does. Tess is presented to the reader as very
flawed, but we get to see her positive changes as she grows in the story
because it’s told from her point of view.
But in the end, Flynn does something that he KNOWS is wrong too. To me,
he’s acting much like Tess, he’s turning to self-destructive behavior to cope.
And it’s how he’s coped with life hardships in the past so it’s familiar. But
he knows it’s wrong. He’s not a bad person, he regresses and he makes a
mistake. And realizes he wants to change.
And that’s kind of what I think the story is about. We all make
mistakes. Can we be forgiven for those?
That’s kind of what I hope the reader can think about when they hate
what Flynn does. Do mistakes always make
us bad people, or do they make us good people who do bad things, and can these
mistakes be something we can learn, grow and change from.
For some people the answer might be NO.
And that’s okay. His behavior might be unforgiveable to them. And that’s
okay. People come to stories and
situations with their own experience, beliefs and feelings. Maybe it’s something I didn’t do well enough
as an author to change their view, maybe it’s something else.
But I’d like explain how it worked for ME. I forgave Flynn. I understood why he did what
he did, and it was to hurt or punish himself.
Being caught made him realize that he was also hurting others. And he
cared enough to realize that he was being a jerk and that he cared enough to
try and work past it and to try and see if he could ask for forgiveness.
And the reader gets to decide whether or not they can forgive him. But I hope you can think about it a little
and understand it wasn’t thrown in there to disrespect girls or their trust.
I guess I do care enough about Flynn and Jess to know why you’re
mad. But I also know why he did what he
did. And to me there was a reason for it. And I believed that Jess was right to
forgive him, because she believed in him too.
And in my mind, he will be true to Jess from now on. ;)