Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday and Breathing on Sisters Saturday!

Happy Black Friday to my American friends. Nothing says happy like a good deal, so I must admit to a little bit of jealousy of all the shopping going on across the border right now. Of course, the line-ups I can do without!

Tune in for Sisters Saturday this week with Cheryl Renee Herbsman, author of one of my fave books in 2009, Breathing.


  1. I am totally jealous too! One of these years we'll have to skip across the border and get in on the deals. :)

    Angela @ The Bookhelf Muse

  2. Do not envy the shoppers! We are not the smiling group you imagine. There's a reason for Scrooge and the Grinch.

    I'll be back to read Cheryl's post.
